Fiat: Middle School/High School
About Fiat: Middle School/High School
Fiat: Middle School/High School is an event for 6th grade through senior women to encounter the beauty of religious life. There is a growing need to help and encourage young ladies discern their vocation. We can’t become what we don’t see. It is hard to discern a religious vocation without ever meeting religious sisters or witnessing the beauty and freedom of consecrated life. Fiat: High School allows young ladies to meet various religious sisters from various religious orders. The evening includes dinner, guest speakers, games, and prayer. Fiat Ministries fosters prayer and holiness in the hearts and lives of these young ladies. We are excited to offer this event because religious life is such a beautiful vocation in our Church. We invite and encourage all young women to consider attending one of our Fiat: Middle School/High School evenings.
If you are interested in partnering with Fiat Ministries to host a Fiat: Middle School/High School event at your parish or high school please feel free to contact us.
St. Francis of Assisi, Wichita
We are not currently taking any additional registrations right now. Please check back for our next event. Thank you!